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Google Presents at Basement Systems Dealer Convention

Google Presents at CN Live

Google Presents at Basement Systems Dealer Convention

At this year's 17th Annual Basement Systems Dealer Convention, Matt Rogers and Kristin McMillin from Google presented on "Making the Web Work for You." 

They focused on five key digital trends that everyone needs to know about, pointing out that what made a business successful five years ago isn't what is necessarily going to make a business successful over the next five years.

The 5 Key Digital Trends:
  1. The Web is Life
  2. Consumers are now hyper-informed
  3. Consumers are now hyper-connected across 4 screens
  4. Search is hyper-local
  5. Choice & sharing are accelerating

This presentation was geared toward the Basement Systems audience with specific search data volumes for our industries -- really great stuff.

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